Aus MCR 9 - Our Annual Get Together Weekend

Started by VladTepes, Thursday, 26 January 2017, 11:03 PM

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I'm sure it won't be a problem as long as you cuddle up close... :stir:


Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Room 2 booked !  Looking forward to it !!!!
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Bov do we have an update re who's coming so far?
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Me, Jeff, You, Daryl, Boof, Beaker, Ad Turner, Gary Steel and at least another 16 interested.


Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Yep - me and the better half will be coming - yet to book though!!


Book now Beaker.  They don't ask for payment til you arrive !
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides




Room Update;

As far as I have been notified.
1 Booked
2 Booked
3 Booked
5 Booked
6 Booked

So out of the reserved rooms only 5 remaining so IF you're coming you better book NOW! There should be more rooms available if required but no Guarantees.
As has been mentioned you are not required to pay in advance to book rooms.
So get on it or miss out. Looks like were gonna get a good turnout this year.  :ausflag:


I'm really looking forward to this!

Is it October yet? How 'bout now?  How 'bout now?

Bov any chance of posting people's locations who are coming so (closer to the time) we can look at getting some groups together for the ride down/up/across?

Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Quote from: VladTepes on Monday, 20 February  2017, 05:37 PM
I'm really looking forward to this!

Is it October yet? How 'bout now?  How 'bout now?

Bov any chance of posting people's locations who are coming so (closer to the time) we can look at getting some groups together for the ride down/up/across?

Bov, Vlad, Beaker, Jeff, Mark, Gsxking  Brisbane
Ad:                                 Toowoomba
Daryl:                             Nerrandera NSW
Boof:                              Melbourne
Gary:                              Adelaide
Rogues                          Wauchope
Sweaty                          Sydney

More possibly coming from sydney, melbourne, Brisbane and Tazzie


Hope some Sydney blokes come.

I'm thinking of taking a few days off, heading down to Sydney afterwards and then ride back to Brissie over a few days....
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides

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