
GSX1400: A Magic Carpet with a Rocket up its Arse

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Aus MCR 9 - Our Annual Get Together Weekend

Started by VladTepes, Thursday, 26 January 2017, 11:03 PM

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Irish in Oz

Quote from: Sweaty on Monday, 23 October  2017, 07:36 PM
Great weekend away.
Pity the weather on Sat stopped the ride going ahead, but 5 of us got out for a quick spin at 2pm.
The extra day that Irish in Oz, Buddy & I added on worked out well, with good weather for our ride up the Oxley Hwy to Walcha for the night. Pity Irish was riding some old ugly looking Yamaha that ruined any photos  :whistling:

Well what can I say,  love my Yamaha's


A great weekend, for sure the weather could have been better, but it's those details you will remember for ever. It certainly tests your mettle when it rains as hard as it did on Friday upon our arrival. I have posted some photos also.

Great bunch of people and made some great new friends  :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:
Best allrounder I've ever owned 👍


Well what can I say,  love my Yamaha's

Well - I must publicly put out a massive THANK YOU to Jeff. He gave me the opportunity to attend the MCR by lending a bloke he had never met his GSX1400.

S0 - it is my fault that he had to take an inferior motorcycle on the trip and park it separately and defend the FJR all weekend  :stir: :rofl2:
My garage floor will never rust


Yeah Buddy, it was a top thing he done there, as you say & that shows the type of guy the funny Irish bastard is  :salute:  :onya:
Just don't tell him i said nice things about him  :grin:

Hope you had an uneventful journey home & it was great riding with you both for 4 days & spending quality "men bonding" time together (don't take that the wrong way either)  :grin:


Another great day on the right side of the grass.😎


Quote from: Sweaty on Tuesday, 24 October  2017, 08:39 AM
Yeah Buddy, it was a top thing he done there, as you say & that shows the type of guy the funny Irish bastard is  :salute:  :onya:
Just don't tell him i said nice things about him  :grin:

Hope you had an uneventful journey home & it was great riding with you both for 4 days & spending quality "men bonding" time together (don't take that the wrong way either)  :grin:

Yes mate. We will have to give him another Jeffrey Sandwich  :smitten:
My garage floor will never rust


Wal, Mark and I had a fantastic ride home - the Gwydir Hwy up the Gibraltar Range was especially awesome (except for that one unintentional stop), the Bruxner was good except for a little bit of traffic, the ride up through Urbenville was bumpy but great and lastly the scoot up the Mt Lindesay Hwy was once again fantastic, although I was worn out by that point and was left for dead!!

Was a privalege to meet up with you all again or meet you for the first time. Looking forward to early November 2018 :onya:

Irish in Oz

Thanks to everyone for a great weekend and especially my two travelling partners Sweety and Buddy ;)
I did learn something over the weekend about Piccolo and Gigolo.
Here's a pic of the other good thing at the weekend


Irish posting pictures of food is not a good idea.......poor Tu Pai will be licking the screen of his computer   :drool:
Another great day on the right side of the grass.😎


Irish what did you learn ? please expand on these topics :^P  :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Best allrounder I've ever owned 👍


Quote from: Kiwifruit on Wednesday, 25 October  2017, 06:53 PM
Irish posting pictures of food is not a good idea.......poor Tu Pai will be licking the screen of his computer   :drool:
licking the screen be buggered, I ate the cell phone!
😎  Always looking for the next corner.  😎

Irish in Oz

Quote from: GSXKING on Monday, 30 October  2017, 08:37 AM
Irish what did you learn ? please expand on these topics :^P  :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

Wish I got a photo of the look on everyone's face when you pulled out that franger "Has anyone tried one of these"  :shocked:
If Beaker had of been eating his pork sausage he would have choked.
After that there was plenty of fish on the menu.

Irish in Oz

I that a conversation with old mate from the mechanics shop across the road from the Dorrigo Hotel the other night.

Some may remember this place he invited me over for a look around.

Irish in Oz


Amazing what fella's have tucked away.
A little treasure trove. :onya:
Another great day on the right side of the grass.😎

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