
GSX1400: A Magic Carpet with a Rocket up its Arse

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Aus MCR 9 - Our Annual Get Together Weekend

Started by VladTepes, Thursday, 26 January 2017, 11:03 PM

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Our 9th Annual MCR has been booked and will this year be held in Dorrigo NSW

Venue: Heritage Hotel/Motel

Cnr Hickory & Cudgery Streets
Dorrigo NSW 2453 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6657 2016 • Fax: +61 2 6657 2059

Dates: Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd October


Friday: Arrive in Dorrigo meet and greet Dinner in the Bistro

Saturday: Ride around this beautiful area (TBA) then back to Hotel for Dinner and Drinks

Sunday: Breakfast and head for Home

Room Prices: $125 Double, $135 for 3 sharing inc Continental Breakfast

We have secured 10 rooms in the Motel and Pub which have been reserved under GSX1400 Club

To Book:

1. Please call Rob or Annette on 02 6657 2016

2. Tell them your part of the GSX1400 club and ask to be booked into one of our reserved rooms.

3. Please post on this thread the number of rooms booked and who is sharing with you so we can track who's coming and how many rooms are left.

4. Turn up and enjoy

Rooms are on a first in basis and there maybe more available if required but as usual I would urge people to book ASAP to avoid disappointment.

Hope as many as possible will make this event and look forward to seeing you there.

As usual this event is open to all members of this forum, GSX1400 facebook members, and their friends/family.

Hope as many as possible will make this event and look forward to seeing you there.

A big thanks to Bov for organising this. :onya:
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Hey mate, did they say if there is anywhere to throw a swag down? most biker events at country pubs have beer gardens/balconies/grassed area that they don't mind people chucking a swag on for the night


I really don't know mate. 

Bov is probably the man to ask - perhaps contact him, try PM here or more likely will get info ion this via the Aussie FB group if you are on that.  I know Bov monitors that reasonably often.

this is my signature


Quote from: Adz1982 on Friday, 27 January  2017, 12:07 PM
Hey mate, did they say if there is anywhere to throw a swag down? most biker events at country pubs have beer gardens/balconies/grassed area that they don't mind people chucking a swag on for the night

Ring them but I'll bet they won't.
If you look like your passport photo then you're too sick to travel.


If I book a room, can the club pay for me and my bike to get there.? Pleeeeese. :onya:
GSX1400...GEN 1 HAYABUSA...KTM 990 Adventure


 :onya: :onya: :onya: id do the same as ktmjunkie and keep him company on the way over and the club could save money on a double :clapping: booking
look check and look again  then you see the fool


I'll just check the forum coffers....   umm, nope. :rofl3:
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Quote from: Mrg on Sunday, 29 January  2017, 10:28 PM
:onya: :onya: :onya: id do the same as ktmjunkie and keep him company on the way over and the club could save money on a double :clapping: booking

Hoi!  I'm closer so should get first dibs! :whistling:


 ;) ermmmmmmmmm nope we asked top bloke mik first  :onya: :onya: :onya:
look check and look again  then you see the fool


Quote from: Snapey on Friday, 27 January  2017, 01:38 PM
Quote from: Adz1982 on Friday, 27 January  2017, 12:07 PM
Hey mate, did they say if there is anywhere to throw a swag down? most biker events at country pubs have beer gardens/balconies/grassed area that they don't mind people chucking a swag on for the night

Ring them but I'll bet they won't.

I hear ya Snapey.  Used to happen in the "good old days" but everyone's after the last $$ these days.  A shame. 

Adz did you give them a call and get an answer at all?
Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides


Adz I think the chances of that are less than Buckleys but I will ask



Rooms 5 & 6 booked.
8 reserved rooms left people


room 1 is also booked for my mate Jeff but hes looking for a share if anyone else is travelling alone


Ottomans: 'Hippity hoppity, Vienna's our property"
...and then the Winged Hussars arrived.

Vlad's K7 "Back in Black"
YouTubeLandyVlad Rides

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