Nice weekend run coming up

Started by KiwiCol, Wednesday, 15 November 2017, 04:43 PM

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If it makes you feel any better Col, from looking at the pictures, a lot of that looks cosmetic
screen - can be reclaimed or replaced (depending in how deep the scratches are, if not too deep, then fairly straightforward to make good as new)
rad guard - get professionally re-polished or replace
brake pedal - might actually bend back. I've put gas pipe over the foot part before and gently bent, have never yet had to use heat, but poss you may have to
tank - fill and respray
rear indicators - replace
carbon can and link pipe - professionally re-polish? replace?
belly pan - would fix and spray - good as new then with a bit of fibre glass behind any cracks
rear molding by seat - poss respray
handle bars - replace

Still a bummer nevertheless, but given she went down a bank.......

Anyway get yourself sorted first, bike can wait.
Nothing to do.............all day to do it....I love retirement :lol:


Shoulder update, it's not broken, that's a good start. The doc said it's sprained & the sticky up bits were probably cartilage, but they couldn't scan for that at this time of night.
Gave me light duties for a week & said I should be fit to resume normal duties next Monday! Yeah right!  I can hardly move the thing, butt we'll see. Said no lifting or straining it, but keep it moving.  The bike repair might have to wait a while, I'll get hold of the insurance mob tomorrow & see what they say.

Best I get off to bed as I've got work in a few hours.   Thx guys.
😎  Always looking for the next corner.  😎


So fortunate that you didn't go over the edge with the bike. Great fellows who recovered the bike for you.

Wishing you a speedy recovery  :cheers:


Not good seeing things like this..But it happens. From the look of your pics, it could have been a hell of a lot worse!!
Glad you managed to get the bike recovered ok and you're not too badly battered Col.

Speedy recovery for you and the bike mate :onya:
Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups!


Sorry to hear the news Col - take care  :smile2:
The older I get the better I was
The problem with retirement is that you cant take a day off


Yes Andre, we spoke about that at the time, there was no-one directly behind me, they were further back up the hill, so no-one actually saw the bike go down & over the edge.  Where it came to rest it's not visible from the road, only if you're standing right on the edge looking down.
They said they wouldn't have known where I went & just carried on into town. Things could have been a lot worse.
😎  Always looking for the next corner.  😎


Wife and l have a whistle in our jacket pockets. Hopefully never to be used, but for just such a scenario.
Another great day on the right side of the grass.😎


Glad you are ok - the bike can be fixed!!

Good idea about carrying a whistle too  :onya:


Shit Col, sorry to read the news just now. It could have been a lot worse, looking at the pics. Get well soon mate.


Wreck-it Richard - one of the unDutchables


Just an update on how things are panning out, the Ins co have accepted the claim, just waiting for pic's & prices from the repairer, then they assign an assessor.

Update on me, shoulder is no better, been to my own doc, she thinks I've torn a muscle off the bone that holds down the collar bone (I think that's the one) and keeps the cartilage where it should be.  Sounds logical to me given what I feel & see. So I'm going in for an ultrasound on shoulder on Friday at 9am. Got 2 weeks off all work, she cancelled the other cert, which said I was ok for light duties & ready to resume full duties next Monday.
She said if it is that, they may operate to stick the muscle back on where it should be, said recovery time is about 3 months!!!!  Arm immobilised at your waist. Bugger! Boating, Fishing Quads & riding, all out over summer?? !!! What a pisser!   If that's how it has to be, I can't do anything about it, as it's got to be fixed, can't do bugger all like it is.
Still get a beer or 2 down though.
😎  Always looking for the next corner.  😎


If that is the case feel for you Col - when I had my neck done was off bike for 8 months in total before I was signed off as fit to ride again. And across the summer for me too. Still - polishing is very therapeutic and useful for exercise to get movement again......!
Nothing to do.............all day to do it....I love retirement :lol:


Not sounding good on the shoulder Col. Hope insurance comes to the party with the bike mate. Keep us updated & good luck with the recovery.


Your GP is a bit more onto it. You know somethings not right. Hoping for the best for you. Would be a shame to be out of action over summer.
Another great day on the right side of the grass.😎

Red Biker

HI Col,
Jeez just caught up with events, glad you are 'sort of' ok as has been pointed out, it could have been so much worse.
Wishing you and bike! all the best for a speedy recovery mate  :onya:

Many a Donkey has lost its hoof on the rocky road, don't be that Donkey!

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