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Your Dog Tony

Started by grog, Wednesday, 26 October 2022, 06:23 PM

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Just thought appropriate for you Tony, new puppie. My most liked dog, the 14 of dogs. My baby lasted nearly 16 yrs, amazing dog. Everyone loved Misty.


I bet a thief would have a hard job convincing the police that the guard dog took a baseball bat to him.  :whistling:
Keep the rubber side down.          Mick

Tony Nitrous

Quote from: grog on Wednesday, 26 October  2022, 07:33 PM
Just thought appropriate for you Tony, new puppie. My most liked dog, the 14 of dogs. My baby lasted nearly 16 yrs, amazing dog. Everyone loved Misty.

I love Cattle Dogs.

Mines 5 months old today. A mad bugger.

He came through the house at 100mph, launched himself off the coffee table and hit me just under the chin.  He's an absolute demolition machine and getting bigger every day.

He's discovered the joy of having his head out the car window, taking in every smell, barking at the world, abusing folk on pedestrian crossings etc.

Wouldn't want any other dog. Family always have Border Collies on the farm, or Labrador's as gun dogs, ex Mrs had a couple of German Shepherds.  Cattle dogs for me.

Tony Nitrous

Quote from: grog on Wednesday, 26 October  2022, 07:33 PM
Just thought appropriate for you Tony, new puppie. My most liked dog, the 14 of dogs. My baby lasted nearly 16 yrs, amazing dog. Everyone loved Misty.

My last one was only 14 when he went.  He wasn't a huge dog, around 30kgs, but it's not the size with cattle dogs, it's how tough they are and the character and personality. Part Dingo and breed to work hard in a very unforgiving environment. It was the perfect choice for "Dog" in Mad Max, couldn't have been anything else.

I still miss my last one.


Tony Nitrous



I've wanted a cattle dog since watching Mad Max, they are expensive over here though.

Tony Nitrous

Quote from: Hooli on Wednesday, 26 October  2022, 11:09 PM
I've wanted a cattle dog since watching Mad Max, they are expensive over here though.

Mine was a gift from my wife, I think he was $1000 without any paperwork. Her son just paid triple that for a Golden Retriever so not too bad.  It was a 300 mile trip to fetch him but he's worth it.

I've been around family's and friends dogs all my life. Large farming, shooting family always had multiple ones, lots of mates have dogs for security or company.
ACD's / Cattle Dogs / Heelers really are a bit "different".  A tough breed for working in harsh conditions, but pretty stubborn and sneaky.  A combination of breeds with some added Dingo to spice it up.


Tony Nitrous


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